
Ramadan 2020: Day 1

Introduction to Movements in Islam

30 Days of Prayer Post

How we can pray:

1. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Christians around the world are joining you for the next 30 days to pray for Muslims. Pray as Jesus did in John 17:20–23, that the Body of Christ may be brought to unity, so that the world will know the love of Christ.

2. PRAY THAT Christians will be a compelling example to Muslims of the influence of Jesus, and that we will be known not by our differences, but by our love as shown in John 13:35.

3. ALL MUSLIMS, regardless of their specific beliefs, understand Jesus (Isa) to be an important prophet. Pray that they will experience a revelation of Him during this time of prayer and fasting.


Area where Muslims live

Ramadan 2020 Prayer Guide


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