Praying for the Muslim World
Ramadan is a time for Muslims around the world to fast during the day and turn their thoughts to spiritual matters. is a site that puts out a great resource every year for the month of Ramadan.
“The 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, is an international movement that began in 1993. It calls the church to make a deliberate but respectful effort to learn about, pray for and reach out to our world’s Muslim neighbors. It coincides annually with the important Islamic month of religious observation — Ramadan, a time of the year when Muslims are much more deeply aware of spiritual matters.”
This will be a guide with specific prayer points each day on how you can be praying for Muslim peoples. Each day will have a countries or peoples group of that you can being praying for during this time.
Prayer Guide
Day 1: Introduction to Movements in Islam
Day 4: The Nile-Nubians of Egypt and Sudan
Day 9: The Ahmadiyya Movement in Ghana
Day 11: The Empowerment of Women in Saudi Arabia
Day 14: Muslims of Uttar Pradesh, India
Day 15: The Muslim Brotherhood
Day 16: Deoband Madrasa Movement
Day 18: The Islamic Revolution in Iran
Day 19: The House Church Movement in Iran
Day 22: International Student Movements
Day 25: Christian Movements in Kyrgyzstan
Day 27: The Mbojo (or Bima) of East Sumbawa