
Ramadan 2020: Day 3


Today we focus on peoples groups from the country of Senegal. Specifically, the people group the Tijaniyyah. Please see the for more.

Country of focus: 🇸🇳 Senegal

How Can We Pray?

1. THE TIJANIYYAH movement is most active in a region that has thousands of unreached Muslim people groups. Pray for movements to Christ that are happening among some of these groups and for Christians who work among them.

2. IN SOME NATIONS, Tijaniyyah leaders have great influence. Pray that they will use this influence for the peace and well-being of the people of West Africa.

3. PSALM 136 is an example of a repetitive Psalm, used by Christians to remember God’s love. Be inspired by the words of this Psalm to pray for the Tijaniyyah.


Ramadan 2020 Prayer Guide